√ Definisi Countable Uncountable Noun Serta Klarifikasi Lengkap
Definisi Countable & Uncountable Noun Serta Penjelasan Lengkap
1. Countable Nouns
Countable nouns ialah kata beda yang dapat dihitung dengan angka. Ia mempunyai bentuk tunggal dan jamak. Bentuk tunggal dalam countable noun bias memakai ‘a’ dan ‘an’. Perhatikan pola dalam tabel.
Bentuk tunggal (singular) | Bentuk jamak (plural) |
One pen | Two pens |
One book | Three books |
One house | Four houses |
One chair | Five chairs |
One desk | Six desks |
One rabbit | Seven rabbits |
Contoh kalimat:
• There is one book on my desk.
• Vini gave me a cute rabbit last night.
• We use ten colour pens to make the calligraphy.
• Raffi Ahmad has three big houses in Bandung.
• Peter and Kay have booked two plane tickets to Bali for their holiday.
• Our family loves dog very much. We have twelve dogs in our house.
• Why do you buy only an apple?
2. Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are ialah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dalam satuan unit atau individu sehingga ia tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak, misalnya menyerupai benda abstrak, ide, atau benda fisik yang satuan unit nya sangat kecil/tidak mempunyai bentuk menyerupai gas, water, salt, sugar, dan lain-lain, sehingga uncountable nouns dipakai bersama kata kerja tunggal (singular verb). Kita juga tidak dapat memakai a/an pada uncountable noun. Untuk memperlihatkan gosip perihal jumah uncountable noun kita perlu memakai satuan atau quantifiers menyerupai some, a lot of, a great deal of, a small amount of, a large amount of, a cup of, a glass of, a kilogram of, dan lain-lain.
Yang termasuk dalam kategori uncountable noun ada sebagai berikut:
Tipe | Kata benda |
Liquid and gases | Water coffee milk air oxygen |
Solid and Granular Substances | Wood metal cheese sand rice |
Energy Words and Forces | Electricity sunshine radiation heat magnetism Subjects French chemistry economics science math |
Grouped Concepts | Fruit money food vocabulary news |
Information and Abstract Concepts | information advice education democracy intelligence |
Contoh kalimat:
• Old men like to give advice to young men.
• Coffee is a great escape of a long and tiring day.
• I have studied economics for six years.
• My nephew drinks milk everyday since he is still a baby under six months old.
• I think I need oxygen. I can’t breathe well.
• I love Bandung since it has fresh air.
• The spoon is made of metal.
• French is a difficult language to learn.
• I heard good news about Indonesia that our athlete got gold medal in China.
• The government support the democracy to lead into social justice.
• I get information from the office that Henna has resigned.
• We should not add much salt in the egg.
• Consuming much sugar is not good for our teeth.
• My grandfather has a few grey hairs now. (sekelompok rambut)
• I saw a hair in your glass! (sehelai rambut)
3. Bentuk Jamak Uncountable Noun:
Kita dapat memakai uncountable noun dalam bentuk plural. Sebagian besar ialah benda cair atau substance. Biasanya memberi makna dari “cups of”, “bottles of” or “types of”.
• Dena made two coffees. = Cups of coffee
• John brings three waters. = Bottles of water
• My boutique launch a bag with two leathers. = Types of leather
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