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√ Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Perihal Passive Voice Beserta Kunci Jawaban

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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris ihwal Passive Voice beserta Kunci Jawaban – Passive Voice, atau yang disebut dengan kalimat pasif, ialah sebuah kalimat dimana objek menjadi hal / fokus utama daripada subjek atau bahkan subjek dihilangkan. Sama menyerupai halnya kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat pasif (passive voice) dalam bahasa Inggris pun mempunyai struktur kalimat tersendiri. Pada umumnya, passive voice bercirikan penggunaan to be + Verb 3. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut ialah latihan soal bahasa Inggris ihwal passive voice beserta kunci jawabannya.


I. Underline the correct verb form of the sentences below.



The gallery has over 1,000 paintings. These have been collected / have collected during the last 100 years.


  1. He was an artist as well as a collector. He collected / was collected nearly 1,000 paintings.

  2. The first pocket calculator weighed almost a kilogram. Its inventor invited / was invited to trade fairs all over the world.

  3. Jonathan is starting a new job next week. He is going to pay / is going to be paid much more than before.

  4. These beautiful clocks assemble / are assembled by hand.

  5. Visitors are advising / are being advised to stay away from the city centre at night.

  6. The five prisoners who escaped last week have caught / have been caught.

  7. Welcome to the conference. After this meeting you’ll give / you’ll be given a welcome pac with details of the talks and your accomodation.

  8. I’m fed up with always asking / getting asked the same question by unfriendly journalists.

  9. I am pleased to report that your visa application has been successful and that your passport has been returned / has returned by the Immigration Office.

  10. A young people, whose parents were not allowed / didn’t allow them to see each other because of an argument between the two families, have married in secret.


II. Fill in gaps 1 – 9 in te statistics below about Coca-Cola with the verb in brackets. Use the active or passive in a suitable tense.


500 million servings of Coca-Cola are consumed (consume) worldwide every year.* 94 per cent of the world’s population (1) ____________ (recognise) the Coca-Cola trademark. 109 is the number of years since Coca-Cola (2) ____________ (invent). 148 litres (3) ___________ (consume) by the average Brit every year. The average American (4) ___________ (drink) 275 litres every year. 195 is the number of countries where Coca-Cola (5) ___________ (sell). Seven billion servings of Coca-Cola’s products (these include Cherry Coke, Lilt, Fanta, Sprite, TAB Clear, Five Alive) (6) ____________ (consume) in Britain last year. The 40-foot Coca-Cola bottle in Times Square New York, (7) ___________ (take) seven second to open, float a straw and empty itself. 773 million servings of Coca-Cola products (8) ____________ (drink) every day around the world. Nine billion litres of Coca-Cola (9) ____________ (sell) in Britain last year.

III. Say if verbs forms 1 – 6 in the stories below are active or passive and tick (v) the correct explanation for the choice, a), b), or both.


Story 1


BEN BEECH, a bookseller in Scarborough, was amazed recently when someone offered him a box of old books containing a poetry book that he had won as a 4-year-old schoolboy. (1) My mum threw it out one day, Mr. Beech said. The book still had the name of Mr. Beech’s old school in Derby, 150 miles away. (2) It was given to Mr. Beech for a poem he wrote about a fish tank.



Active                          a) Someone is the ‘doer’. v

b) Someone is not the ‘doer’. ___


  1. ____________ a) The starting point and ‘doer’ are the same. ___

b) The starting point and ‘doer’ are different. ___


  1. ____________ a) It is understood who gave Mr. Beech the book (the school). ___

b) The starting point is the same as in the sentence before. ___


Story 2


A teenage couple who fell in love but (3) were separated by World War II (4) were married yesterday after a chance meeting 56 years later. Tom Byrant, 73, and Ivy Butler, 71, met in 1941, but lost touch when Tom (5) was caled up for the army. (6) Both married other people and settled in different olaces. Back in his home town of Ellesmere Port this year, Tom saw Ivy shopping.


  1. ___________ a) The starting point (the couple) is the same in this clause as the one before. ___

b) We don’t know what separated them. ___


  1. ___________ a) The couple is the ‘doer’. ___

b) You need a ‘doer’ (often a priest) to join two people in marriage.



  1. ___________ a) The ‘doer’ is understood. ___

b) Tom is the ‘doer’. ___


  1. ___________ a) Other people is the ‘doer’. ___

b) Both is the ‘doer’. ___


Kunci Jawaban:



  1. collected

  2. was invited

  3. is going to be paid

  4. re assembled

  5. are being advised

  6. have been caught

  7. you’ll be given

  8. getting asked

  9. has been returned

  10. didn’t allow



  1. Recognise

  2. Has been invented

  3. Are consumed

  4. Drink

  5. Is sold

  6. Were consumed

  7. Is taken

  8. Is drunk

  9. Was sold



  1. active, b)

  2. passive, b)

  3. passive, a)

  4. passive, b)

  5. passive, b)

  6. active, b)


Demikianlah latihan soal bahasa Inggris ihwal passive voice beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga beberapa latihan soal tersebut sanggup bermanfaat bagi sahabat – teman. Good luck!
