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√ 40 Soal Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris Sma Jawaban

40 Soal Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengan Atas & Jawaban – Mempelajari kosakata merupakan salah satu acara penting dalam menguasai suatu bahasa. Pasalnya, dengan banyak mengetahui kosakata kita akan dengan gampang mengungkapkan pikiran kita kepada orang lain dalam bahasa tertentu. Mempelajari bahasa sanggup dilakukan dengan menghafalnya dan berlatih mengerjakan soal semoga perbendaharaan kosakata meningkat. Berikut ialah soal kosakata (vocabulary) dalam Bahasa Inggris SMA.

Soal Vocabulary

I. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition.

1. She has no control … that dog! (over / on / with)

2. Do not feel guilty … being late. (from / about / with)

3. Has was somewhere … Rome and Venice. (between / among / along)

4. Be careful! Do not go … the trees. (beyond / over / without)

5. Which way … does this box go? (about / up / over)

6. He managed to pass … studying hard. (by / with / from)

7. They walked … to the end of the street. (beyond / aside / up)

8. They sang … the long walk home. (along / throughout / over)

9. He failed … lack of work. (for / through / with)

10. The car went … us at a very high speed! (against / past / around)

11. My brother is really … snowboarding – he goes every winter. (for / over / into)

12. You should be pleased … the results. (with / for / over)

13. It was sunny all … the summer months. (through / between / round)

14. The bus stops just … the traffic lights. (down / to / before)

15. The shares have risen … six euros each. (up / at / to)

16. I have spent three years … that company. (to / for / at)

17. The anjuran is … consideration at the moment. (for / with / under)

18. The shopkeeper chased … the thieves. (behind / along / after)

19. We were delighted … her news. (for / by / of)

20. From the house we could walk … to the sea. (beyond / below / down)

II. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct homophone. Homphones are words that have the same pronunciation but different spellings and meanings. (Homophone ialah kata yang mempunyai suara yang sama namun arti berbeda).

1. I … home from work by bike. (road / rode)

2. I told that … Glyn and he was horrified. (to / too / two)

3. It must have been someone who is in the … about the project who told the press about it. (no / know)

4. The plaster cast will help to … the broken bone. (heal / heel)

5. Do not walk around outside in your … feet. (bare / bear)

6. American pit bull terriers are … for their fighting instincts. (bread / bred)

7. Would you lie a seat by the … or would you prefer to be by the window? (aisle / isle)

8. She gave him a long … but did not answer his question. (stair / stare)

9. The bird flew off with a bright red … in its beak. (berry / bury)

10. He had an accident while he was driving a … car. (hire / higher)

11. They set … for France. (sale / sail)

12. There is a … in the pipe. (brake / break)

13. There will be new … on drink-driving from next week. (curbs / kerbs)

14. Well, cut it in … and we will have half each. (to / too / two)

15. It was freezing outside and her hands were … with cold. (blew / blue)

16. Most rock groups spend two of three months a year on the … . (road / rode)

17. She … about medical matters for a national newspaper. (rights / writes)

18. We could take out a … to buy a car. (loan / lone)

19. The girl carefully pulled up the weed by its … . (roots / routes)

20. They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us … and dry. (hi / high)


Kunci Jawaban:


1. Over

2. About

3. Between

4. Beyond

5. Up

6. By

7. Up

8. Throughout

9. Through

10. Past

11. Into

12. With

13. Through

14. Before

15. To

16. At

17. Under

18. After

19. By

20. down



1. Rode

2. To

3. Know

4. Heal

5. Bare

6. Bred

7. Isle

8. Stare

9. Berry

10. Higher hire

11. Sail

12. Break

13. Curbs

14. Two

15. Blue

16. Road

17. Writes

18. Loan

19. Roots

20. High

Demikianlah soal kosakata (vocabulary) Bahasa Inggris SMA. Semoga soal – soal tersebut bermanfaat dan menambah perbendaharaan kosakata sahabat – teman. Terima kasih.

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