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√ 50 Pola Preposisi Bahasa Inggris, Beserta Arti, Pola Kalimatnya

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50 Contoh Preposisi Bahasa Inggris, Beserta Arti, & Contoh Kalimatnya – Secara tata bahasa, preposisi berarti kata atau kelompok kata yang dipakai bersama kata benda, kata ganti, atau frase kata benda untuk mengatakan arah, lokasi, waktu, atau untuk memperkenalkan obyek. Untuk membantu Anda lebih jauh dalam pemahaman preposisi, berikut kami sediakan pola preposisi beserta arti dan kalimatnya.

1. above = Di atas

A bee was buzzing above my head.

2. across = Seberang

I walked across the new bridge.

3. after = Setelah

We are going to have dinner after meeting.

4. against = Berlawanan

One hundred people protested againts the new policy.

5. along = Di sepanjang

We were singing along the way.

6. amid = Di tengah-tengah

On the floor, amid hundreds of papers, are three envelops.

7. among = Di antara (banyak)

I saw my parents among the crowd on my graduation day.

8. around = Di sekitar

My mother put her arm around me.

9. as = Sebagai

Rania works as a hotel manager in Bandung.

10. at = Di

I live at Mulawarman street number 32 Lembang subdistrict West Java.

11. before = Sebelum

Please submit your paper before the due date.

12. behind = Di belakang

She placed your coat behind the door.

13. below = Di bawah

He has many people working below him.

14. beside = Di sebelah

Kayla slept beside her sister last night.

15. besides = Selain itu

Antoni loves basketball besides volley.

16. between = Di antara (dua hal)

She is confused to choose the dress between the red one and the pink one.

17. beyond = Jauh, melebihi

The reality is beyond my expectation.

18. but = Kecuali

I don’t like chicken but fish.

19. by = Oleh

The movie was directed by Hanung.

20. concerning = Tentang

The perkara concerning human resource development is handled by the general manager.

21. despite = Walaupun

I can enjoy the event despite the noise.

22. except = Kecuali

Jalu knows everyone here except me.

23. excluding = Tidak termasuk

The bus carried 30 people excluding the driver.

24. following = selanjutnya

Following the conference, there will be a city tour for the participant.

25. for = Selama (durasi waktu)

I have been living in Bandar Lampung for twenty years.


26. from = Dari

I come from London.

27. in = Di dalam

They put the birthday cake in the refrigerator.

28. inside = Di dalam

She hides the good news of her wedding plan inside two weeks.

29. into = Ke dalam

You can pour the water into the glass.

30. like = Seperti

She loves bright colour like shocking pink and neon green.

31. near = Dekat

My office is near the train station.

32. of = Dari

I am the second of four children in my family.

33. on = Pada (di atas)

We take several books on her desk.

34. opposite = Arah bertolak belakang

We sat opposite each other.

35. outside = Di luar

It is still raining outside the building.

36. over = Di atas

He put a scarf over his hand.

37. regarding = Berhubungan/tentang

Regarding to our newest project, we need to word fast.

38. Throughout = seluruh

I found a fact that the virus can spread throughout the city.

39. since = Sejak

The company has been established since 1998.

40. than = Dari pada

Pevita is moore beautiful than Tanisa.

41. through = Melalui

We have gone through sadness and happiness.

42. to = Ke

Danila brought to a very cool place in Bandung last week.

43. under = Di bawah

A couple sat under a tree.

44. unlike = Tidak seperti

She is unlike the other girl who always falls for me.

45. until = Sampai

The beauty class will be held until next Sunday.

46. up = Atas

I followed him up the stairs to a small room.

47. via = Melalui

My father sent me a letter via post office.

48. with = Dengan

Jani will go shopping with her husband this afternoon.

49. within = Dalam

Pia arrived in Soul within hours.

50. without = Tanpa

Those cute kitten cannot live without their mother.
