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√ Bahan Tenses: Past Continuous

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Materi Tenses: Past Continuous – Past continuous tense dipakai untuk mendeskripsikan acara atau insiden yang sedang berlangsung/masih terjadi di waktu lampau. Fokusnya yaitu pada proses acara tersebut terjadi. Dengan kata lain, present continuous tense mempunyai kegunaan untuk mengekspresikan acara yang belum final di waktu lampau.

Pola dan pola kalimat lisan dalam past continuous tense:

No.Jenis kalimatPolaContoh Kalimat
1.AffirmativeSubject + to be (was/were) + V-ing.

Was à I, she, he, it (tunggal)

Were à they, you, we (jamak)

You/They/We were writing a biography book.

I/She/he/it was writing a biography book.


2.NegativeSubject + to be (was/were) + not + V-ing.You/They/We were not writing a biography book.

She/he/it was not writing a biography book.

3.InterogativeTo be (was/were) + Subject + V-ing +?Were you/they/we writing a biography book?

Was she/he/it writing a biography book?


Tidak terdapat kalimat nominal dalam past continuous tense. Selain itu, past continuous tense sanggup digabungkan dengan kalimat simple past tense sehingga mereka menjadi kalimat majemuk. Contohnya menyerupai dibawah ini:

• My mother was cooking in the kitchen when I came home.

• I was studying at home when my friend called me for asking help.

Kalimat simple past tense tersebut menawarkan indikasi insiden yang menginterupsi kejadian yang sedang berlangsung yang mana diekspresikan melalui past continuous tense.

Berikut ini yaitu pola kalimat past continuous tense menurut fungsi/kegunaanya:

1. Kegiatan yang terinterupsi di masa lampau

Interupsi yang dimaksud sanggup jadi interupsi yang sesungguhnya atau interupsi waktu (terjadi secara beririsan).

Contoh :

• I was playing with my brother when my sister came with her friends.

• When the bus arrived, she was running out of the station to look for her lost ring.

• We are going to a music studio by motorcycle when it started to rain.

• Shena was sleeping when the accident happened in front of her house.


2. Peristiwa pararel

Kita sanggup menciptakan kalimat beragam dengan dua anak kalimat dalam past continuous tense. Hal tersebut mengekspresikan dua acara yang sedang terjadi bersamaan di waktu lampau.


• They were listening to music while we were reading physics books.

• While Hesti was singin, Desta was playing guitar.

• Were you talking while she was talking, too?

• I was not listening to her while she was giving the directions.

3. Pengulangan dan Kekesalan dengan adverb “Always”

Past continuous tense dengan kata keterangan “always” atau “constantly” yaitu bentuk ekspresi kekesalan atau rasa terkejut seseorang. Konsep ini menyerupai dengan “used to” namun dengan muatan emosi negative.


• They were always disturbing many girls at school.

• She was constantly humming. She distracted my concentration.

• We didn’t agree with them since they were always arguing.


While dan When

Di dalam kalimat beragam dimana kita menggabungkan kalimat simple past tense dan past continuous tense, kita memakai kata penghubung while dan when. Kita sanggup memakai when ketika kita ingin meletakkan kalimat simple past tense terlebih dahulu. Dengan kata lain, kata when diikuti dengan simple past tense dan kata while diikuti dengan past continuos tense. Sementara while dipakai untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat past continuous tense menjadi satu kalimat majemuk.


• We were baking a cake when her a terrifying sound.

• While Pepita was studying, her mother shouted loudly because of a cockroach.

• Diandra was watching movie while her husband was eating noodle.
