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√ 2 Pola Kata Pengantar Skripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

2 Contoh Kata Pengantar Skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris – Hai sobat – teman, apakah kalian sering melihat buku, makalah atau skripsi sebelumnya? Jika pernah, kalian niscaya akan melihat bahwa ada bab yang dinamakan ‘kata pengantar’ di dalam buku, makalah, atau pun skripsi tersebut. Lalu bagaimana menciptakan kata pengantar dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk skripsi? Berikut yakni teladan kata pengantar skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh 1


Praise and deep gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of grace, and guidance of Him given to the writer that made this thesis can be completed properly. Greetings and salawat may always be devoted to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The thesis entitled “IMT-2000 as the third generation of mobile telecommunications services” is structured to meet the requirements of the undergraduate curriculum stratum-1 (S-1) in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University (Universitas Negeri Jakarta).

The author would like to say thank you profusely for all the help that has been given, either directly or indirectly during the preparation of this selesai thesis to complete. In particular gratitudes that are due to:

1. Mrs. Rosmini, S.Si, MT as lecturers who has provided guidance and encouragement in the preparation of this thesis.

2. Mrs. Hariani, MT as an academic advisor who has helped the author during the course.

3. Mr. Ir. Martawijaya, M.Sc. as Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

4. Ir. Hajarah, MT. As the Secretariat of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

5. Mr. Ir. Abdulah muh for your help and guidance in this thesis.

6. The entire faculty and employees of the Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Jakarta, on the knowledge, guidance and assistance for the author to finish composing this thesis.

7. Mr. Arsyad, MT and Ms. Rukmini, the author’s parents, who had been raised and educated, as well as provide support and prayers to the author.

8. Colleagues in the Department of Electrical Engineering, State University of Jakarta, which also has helped the author.

The author realizes that this thesis has not been perfect, both in terms of material or presentation. The suggestions and constructive criticisms are expected in the completion of this thesis.

Recently authors hope that this thesis can provide things that are useful and add insight to the reader, and especially for the writer as well.

Jakarta, March 2016


(Student’s name)


Contoh 2


Praise and gratitude we pray for the presence of Allah SWT, for the grace and His gift ever bestowed upon us all. Sholawat and greetings are hopefully given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW that had been in communicating the message and the Shari’a of Islam to all mankind. For the grace of Allah, the author finally able to complete the thesis entitled “DETERMINATION COMPETITION, COMPENSATION, AND WORK STRESS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES BPS-STATISTICS IN BATAM”.

This thesis is a requirement for achieving a Bachelor of Economics Department of Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Batam. Thanks to the confidence and support from some people morally and materially, that made the author finally faced and overcome the difficulties and obstacles well, so this thesis could be completed. On this occasion, the author would like to express gratitude to a few parties where the assistance, guidance, and encouragement so that I can finish this thesis, namely to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Novirman Jamarun, M.Sc as the Rector of the University of Batam.

2. Dr. Ir. H. Chablullah Wibisono, M.M as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Batam.

3. Mother Sri Yanti SE, M.Si as Chairman of the Management Studies S1 Program.

4. Dr. Hj. Indrayani, SE, MM as a mentor who has given me her time during the process of filing the title until the completion of thesis-making.

5. Hj. Diana point W, S.E, M.Si II as a mentor who has provided a lot of time, provide valuable lessons, as well as support during the process of making the paper from the beginning to the end.

6. The entire faculty and staff who have provided assistance, guidance, and knowledge to the author.

7. Epi Sunarni mother who gave birth, and keep praying for the author so that the author do not despair in completing this thesis.

8. Tin father who has to raise, feed and provide valuable lessons untilthe author could boast to finish this thesis.

9. Thank you for my dear, because of the help in the completion of this thesis.

10. Elawati Adina, Lewis and Sucipto three siblings who always give supports in completing this thesis.

11. All the employees of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which helps provide related information material in this thesis.

12. Dwi Harianti dear friend, Qisty, Ranisa, Clara, Risna, Yunila, Lina Putriani, Hasnan, Yuliana and Nur Saleha and friends that have helped the author in the process of completing this thesis, especially large families Forces in Management and Accounting 2012.

13. All parties who could not be mentioned one by one by the author that has involved a lot of help so that this thesis could be completed.

Hopefully this paper can be useful and provide guidance to the students who will carry out the thesis as well as to the various parties that need.

Batam, 28 Agustus 2014

(Student’s Name)

Demikianlah teman, teladan kata pengantar skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga sanggup bermanfaat dan sanggup dipergunakan sebagai teladan untuk kata pengantar skripsi sobat – sobat semua. Terima kasih.

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