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√ 3 Teladan Informasi Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Pendidikan

3 Contoh Berita Bahasa Inggris perihal Pendidikan – Pendidikan merupakan hal yang penting dan paling utama untuk memajukan suatu bangsa. Para generasi muda yang cerdas akan membawa nama negaranya ke kancah dunia. Banyak informasi mengenai pendidikan yang menyajikan prestasi – prestasi yang diraih oleh anak – anak negeri, namun tidak sedikit informasi juga mengulas mengenai sisi lainnya. Berikut yakni referensi informasi Bahasa Inggris mengenai pendidikan final – final ini.

Contoh 1

English Learning Reinvented: When English Becomes A Lifestyle

JAKARTA – Wall Street English is transforming a business model that combines lifestyle with the best methods in the world of education and is internationally recognized.

Wall Street English Indonesia designed the method specifically for Indonesians who love to socialize and become part of a community. “In addition, we change in the programs we have when members will no longer feel limited by time and place,” said Kish Gill, President Director of WSE, Thursday (3/8/2017).

These changes give the members the freedom to learn as much as they want, to give members the opportunity to follow interesting activities in our community with membership-based programs. “Blended Learning Method” and Flipped Classroom are the most widely recognized methods of language learning compared to traditional learning methods, “he said.

Currently the methods used by the WSE combine both methods and are supported by technologies that integrate face-to-face interaction by qualified, qualified experts. It aims to help 4dukts in learning English more effectively and can improve their self-esteem. “Making English a part of lifestyle, then members will be easier to learn English. One way that WSE does is to hold regular events at the WSE branch called Social Club,” he said.


Contoh 2

Concerning the Idea of Full Day School, the Government is preparing its Presidential Regulation

JEMBER – President Joko Widodo responded to the policy polemic of the Minister of Education and Culture related to five school days in a week or full day school.

Jokowi said that the government is still working on regulations that will be poured into the Presidential Regulation (Perpres). “So the Presidential Regulation is being discussed with the Minister of Education and Culture later we will announce it,” said President after distributing Smart Indonesia Card to hundreds of students at Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 7 Jember, Sunday (08/13/2017).

Jokowi reiterated that every school should not implement full day school policy or any other name of character education system in teaching and learning activities. For the school that is ready, Jokowi said please implemented. But for schools that are not ready, it should not be set.


“I need to say, I need to emphasize again that there is no necessity for 5 school days. So there is no necessity of full day school, “said Jokowi. “To be known, for schools that have 6 school days please continue. It does not need to change to 5 days. While for schools that have 5 school days and if it is wanted by all parties, please continue if desired by society and scholars,” said Jokowi.


Contoh 3

Tuition Fees Abroad is More Affordable Through the Pathway Program

JAKARTA – Studying abroad can of course be everyone’s dream. The title of Bachelor International is “usually” more prioritized by multinational companies. However, not a few who discouraged the intention because of the cost factor is large enough, especially for the middle to lower economic people.

By the existence of Pathway Program, now tuition fees abroad are so cheaper. Pathway Program enables students to study 1 to 2 years in Jakarta and continue their third year abroad, such as Australia, Singapore, or United Kingdom with a Bachelor degree awarded by each student’s preferred university.

“The Pathway aktivitas enables students to study at leading universities such as The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology in Australia, Coventry University in the UK, and the University of Wollongong through PSB Academy Singapore for business programs as well as the University of The West of England, UK for aktivitas design “Said Sales & Marketing Manager Raffles College Kebun Jeruk, Theodora in a written statement, Monday (07/08/2017).

According to Theodora, International School students who have graduated from IGCSE ‘0’ Level or 10th grade students from local high school have been able to start learning through the Foundation Program. They will be provided with international curriculum to become an excellent and independent graduate. “This aktivitas starts in October, January or July every year” he said.


Demikianlah referensi informasi Bahasa Inggris perihal pendidikan. Sebagai generasi muda sudah sepatutnya kita mengutamakan pendidikan untuk masa depan yang cerah bagi kita dan juga bangsa ini. Semoga referensi tersebut sanggup bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

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