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√ 4 Pola Permintaan Reuni Dalam Bahasa Inggris

4 Contoh Undangan Reuni Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Beberapa teladan permintaan reuni yang dapat menjadi rujukan anda.

Biasanya sebuah permintaan reuni memberi warta tentang:

1. Tanggal, waktu, kawasan program akan dilangsungkan

2. Detail program selama reuni (makanan, tema, susuanan program secara luas)

3. Kontak yang jikalau dihubungi sehubungan dengan program reuni (pendaftaran)

4. Pakaian yang disarankan dalam acara

5. tempat/situs/telepon yang dapat dihubungi untuk warta lengkap wacana susunan acara.

Example 1:

Time flies like the rocket.

It’s unbelievable that it’s been 10 years.

Please make your presence at the 10th reunion of Sumedang Senior High School, Surabaya.

We are from 2005 graduation years really pleased

to invite you to the 10th reunion on

October 2nd, 2015.

Gathering and greeting hour at 18.00,

dinner time at 19.00,

dancing at 20.00.

The venue will be on Hotel Mangga Kembar,

Jl. Buah Besar, Surabaya.

The registration will be available on September 1st to 20th, 2013.

RVSP on 0822 4567 8909 or 0857 6543 6789.

Thank you.

Dress: Formal and casual

Reunion Commitee.

Example 2:

“The school periode end, the memories live, and our friendship still as our school life”

The committee of the reunion

of the graduating class of 1990

invites our friends out there to

our 25th years of reunion.

The reunion will take on

August 30th, 2015

start at 18.00 on Hotel Malioboro, Yogyakarta.

It is a great happiness to gather with all friends from the graduating class of 1990.

We will gather to share the experience of life and recall our young periode memories.

The reunion will be preceded by the light dinner at 19.00 pm

then we will have the memories time.

Please register yourself on

Meli 0853 6574 2827

Jansen 0899 3849 6373.

The registration will close on August 10th, 2015.

Thank you.

Attire: formal

Yours Sincerely.


Example 3:

The commitee of 20th years reunion of class 1990 graduating years

of Lampung University, Lampung.

“It’s like yesterday we just talk in our class room,

laughing at the simple thing, put eyes on the beautiful girl,

and run out from the killer teacher”

We are the commitee of the 20th years reunion

class of 1995 graduating year invite you, our old friends,

to participate in the 20 years reunion.

The reunion will be held on September 25th, 2015 at Charm Cafe

at Jl. Mangunharjo No. 44, Tanjung Karang, Lampung.

The reunion will open with performance of Noah Band at 18.00,

the dinner will precede at 19.00,

and close by the sharing with our lecturers.

RSVP will be available in 0877 8976 1233 (Jenni)

or 0813 3456 3221 (Marko).

We also need your charities by buying the merchandise prepared.

We hope you can join and share the joy with us.

Dress: Long Sleeves Batik

Your Sincerely.

Example 4:

“New friends may come and enjoy the rest life of ours,

The old friends will remain as the great memory of our life”

The Graduating Class of 2000 Indonesia University,

invite you to our 15th year class reunion.

It will be on February 11st, 2015

start at 18.00 pm.

At Margonang Cafe and Resto,

Mangga Dua, Jakarta.

We want to see our old friends of class 2000 year graduating

of Indonesia University.

We will have gathering and greeting time at 18.00 pm,

then we will have dinner at 19.00 pm.

Please RSVP on 0877 0864 6537 (Juni).

You also can view the whole aktivitas on

We are waiting for your participation.

Dress: prom night

Yours Sincerely.
