√ 2 Referensi Kata Pengantar Skripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Kata Pengantar Skripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Berikut terdapat dua teladan tumpuan kata pengantar bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
Example 1:
Firstly, The writer wants to deliver his great thanks to God for His bless and kindness. It’s His endless and continuous kindness that make him possible to complete his research in order to fulfill the requirement of S-1 degree in English Education Program, Language and Art Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung University.
The writer also want to express his sincere thank to all of individual who has given the contribution for the writer. The writer want to extends his thank to:
1. Dr. Ari Nurweni, M. A., as the first advisor who with her patience always gives her ideas, time, and, useful suggestions for him.
2. Budi Kadaryanto, S. Pd., M. A., as the second advisor who gives his correction and advices, so the writer can finish this script well.
3. Prof. Dr. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M. A., Ph. D., as sthe examiner for his willingness to examine this script and gives some suggestions in order to create the better result for this script.
4. Mr. Yohanes Sabar, the headmaster of Sekolah Menengan Atas Xaverius 1 Belitang for his kindness to gives him enoughtime to conduct a research.
5. Mr. Jumali, as the English teacher who would like to give him some supports and time in order to held his research.
6. The students of XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 who would like to give their cooperation as long as he does the research.
7. The writer hands over much thank to his parents, Elson Yosep Samosir and Hormauli Br. Sinaga who always their incessant support, pray, and love, his brothers Rio Randi Yohanes Samosir, Damonicus Agung Pratama Samosir, Kasimirus Dwipan Winata Samosir, and his sister Saur Devi Laurentia Samosir.
8. The big family of Samosir and Sinaga, who give him pray and supprt to finish his script.
9. All of friends in English Education Program 2009, Ahmad Wibawa, Bli Bagus, Asep S. Waton, Bli Wayan, Amir, Gilang, Mukhlis, Ilham, Rozy, Ketut, Reza, and Panji and everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one. Thank you for the suppport and all help given to the writer, you all the best.
Finally, this script is presented to English Education Program of Lampung University. The writer hopes this script can help the reader.
Bandarlampung, November 12nd, 2014
The Writer,
Mardi Afen P.S
Example 2:
Alhamdulilahirobbil ‘alamin, praise for Allah SWT for all the blessing and grace to enable me to complete this thesis entitled: Teaching Compound Sentences at the Second Year Students of Sekolah Menengan Atas Xaverius 1 Belitang. This bachelor thesis is a requirement for accomplishing S-1 degree in English Education Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung University.
I want to deliver my sincere thank to Dr. Ari Nurweni, M. A. and Budi Kadaryanto, S. Pd., M. A. as my advisor. Thank you for all your suggestions and guidances which are useful to finish my bachelor thesis. I express my great gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M. A., Ph. D., for his kindness as the examiner, and support with brilliant suggestions. I also thank to all my lecturers in English Education Program for all your time to share your knowledge.
I extend my gratitude to Mr. Yohanes Sabar as the school principal of Sekolah Menengan Atas Xaverius 1 Belitang, all the teachers, and students of XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 for the coorperation, permission, time, and warm welcome, so I can conduct my research well.
My greatest sincere appreciation is for my parents, Elson Yosep Samosir and Hormauli Br. Sinaga. Thank you for all the support, prayer, love, and patience, that are everything for me. Thank you to my brothers and sister, Rio Randi, Agung, Ivan, and Saur Devi and all of my family from Samosir and Sinaga big family.
I adress my special thank to all my comrades in English Education Program 2009, Ahmad, Amir, Asep, Ikhwan, Panji, Rozi, Reza, Fikri, Tomy, Arif, Wayan, Bagus, Desto and all of the English Education Program 2009 comrades. Thank you for all your companions and help.
Bandar Lampung, April 2014
Afen Samosir
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