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√ 5 Rujukan Procedure Text How To Make Fried Noodle

Contoh Procedure Text How to Make Fried Noodle – Berikut terdapat banyak sekali referensi procedure text mengenai bagaimana cara menciptakan fried noodle atau mi goreng.

Contoh 1

How to Make Fried Noodle


1. 200 grams of noodle

2. 3 cloves of garlic

3. an egg

4. a carrot

5. 150 ml of water

6. a tablespoon of sweet soy sauce

7. a teaspoon of salt

8. celery


1. Boil a litre of water and give a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Put the noodle in and cook for three minutes. After that, drain it.

2. Stir-fry the garlic. Add egg and carrot. Pour some water and let it boil.

3. Add some salt, soy sauce the noodle. Cook it well.

4. After that serve it on a plate and spread the celery on it.

Contoh 2

How to Make Meatball Noodle


1. cabbage

2. beef meatball

3. noodle

4. water

5. ten chillies

6. four cloves of onion

7. 4 cloves of garlic

8. a teaspoon of pepper

9. a teaspoon of salt

10. a teaspoon of oyster sauce

11. vegetable oil

12. an egg

13. two tablespoon of soy sauce


1. Heat the vegetable oil on a pan and make scramble egg. Add chillies and stir-fry them for several minutes, and then pour enough water.

2. Add cabbage and meatball. Give oyster sauce.

3. Put the noodle and add more soy sauce. Then, stir it. Taste it and serve it.

4. Spread fried onion on it.

Contoh 3

How to Make Mixed Fried Noodle


1. 150 grams of noodle

2. an egg

3. leek

4. a carrot

5. meatball

6. cabbage

7. three cloves of garlic

8. four cloves of onion

9. four chillies

10. sugar and salt


1. First, boil the noodle.

2. Second, prepare the seasoning.

3. Third, cut the leek, cabbage, carrot, and meatball.

4. Last, heat the vegetable oil on a pan. Make scramble egg. Add the carrot, noodle, soy sauce, and chilli sauce. Cook it well and serve.


Contoh 4

How to Make Java Fried Noodle


1. a pack of noodle

2. ten meatballs

3. celery and leek

4. two eggs

5. soy Sauce

6. vegetable oil

7. seven chillies

8. six cloves of onion

9. four cloves of garlic

10. pepper

11. two teaspoon of salt

12. two teaspoon of sugar

13. a teaspoon of seasonings


1. Boil the noodle for three minutes, and then drain it.

2. Puree the chillies, onion, garlic, and pepper.

3. Stir-fry the puree of the seasoning. Add some salt.

4. Make scramble egg, and then add it into pan.

5. Add leek and meatball, and then stir it well.

6. Put the noodle into the pan, stir it and add the seasoning and soy sauce.

7. Add some salt, sugar, and then taste it.

8. Make sure that all of the ingredients are mixed well.

9. After that, serve it on a plate. Happy cooking and eating!

Contoh 5

How to Cook Instan Noodle


1. a pack of instant noodle

2. cabbage

3. an egg

4. chilli


1. Boil the noodle for three minutes and drain it.

2. Separately, boil the egg and vegetable.

3. Add some chillies

4. Pour the noodle into a bowl, add the seasonings, and then stir it.

5. Add the boiled egg and vegetable.

6. Finally, the noodle is ready to serve.
