√ 5 Pola Procedure Text How To Make Coffee
Contoh Procedure Text How to Make Coffee – Ini ia cara menciptakan Kopi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Contoh 1
How to Make a Cup of Black Coffee.
1. a tablespoon of black coffee powder.
2. sugar.
3. a half teaspoon of chocolate powder.
1. Heat water for a medium cup.
2. If the water is already boiled, add the coffee powder and stir it. After that boil it again and add chocolate powder.
3. Prepare the coffee filter (a soft cloth) and two medium mugs.
4. Pour the hot black coffee and filter it.
5. Prepare a cup which is already given sugar and pour the black coffee by using the filter again.
6. Finally, the black coffee is ready to serve. It is the best to enjoy with churros, macaroon, or the other snacks.
Contoh 2
How to Make Tubruk Coffee
1. 200 ml of water
2. Two teaspoons of langgar coffee powder
1. Boil the water in the temperature of 89-90 degree Celcius. If you do not have any thermometer, you can let the water boiled and wait for 2 minutes before using it.
2. Prepare a cup and add two teaspoons of langgar coffee powder into it.
3. Pour some of hot water into the cup and wait for 30 seconds.
4. Pour the rest if the hot water and wait for 4 minutes.
5. Finally, a cup of langgar coffee is ready to serve.
Contoh 3
How to Make a Cup of Milk Coffee
1. a sachet of sweet liquid milk
2. a tablespoon of black coffee powder.
3. a tablespoon of crème
4. a half teaspoon of plain chocolate powder.
5. hot water
6. three teaspoons of sugar
1. First, prepare a glass to serve the coffee
2. Second, add the coffee powder, chocolate powder, and crème into the glass.
3. Third, add sugar and liquid milk into the glass.
4. Fourth, pour the hot water into the glass and stir it.
5. Last, a cup of milk coffee is ready to serve. Enjoy it with biscuit or bread.
Contoh 4
How to Make Coffee by Using French Press Method
Ingredients and Equipment:
1. Water
2. Coffee powder
3. French Press Coffee Maker
1. First, make sure that your French Press Coffee Maker is clean.
2. Second, add the coffee powder into the French Press.
3. Third, boil the water. After that, wait for a minute before we use it.
4. Fourth, pour the hot water into French Press Coffee Maker and pour the water from the teapot. Tilt the teapot to form foam which could make the best smell of the coffee.
5. Fifth, stir it for thirty to sixty seconds.
6. Sixth, press the coffee which is already stirred by the closing case slowly.
7. Finally, pour the coffee into the cup and serve it.
Contoh 5
How to Make Coffee by Using Vacuum Method
Ingredients and Equipment:
1. Water
2. Coffee powder
3. Vacuum Coffee Maker
1. Firstly, put the coffee powder on the top part and water on the low part of the vacuum coffee maker.
2. Then, the water which is already boiled and put on the low part will produce steam and get into the top tube which contains coffee powder through the pipe between the top tube and the low tube.
3. After that, if all of the water has already got into the top tube, stop boiling the water and wait until it becomes cold.
4. The rest step is that we wait for the water on the top tube goes down to the low tube.
5. If all of the steps are done, pour the coffee into a cup.
6. Finally, a cup of water which is made through vacuum method is ready to serve.
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