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√ 40 Pola Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Sd Semester 1

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40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD Semester 1 – Berikut terdapat soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

I. Choose the Best Answer by Crossing (X) a, b, or c!

1. 15 + 9 = . . . .

a. twenty four b. twenty five c. twenty six

2. 4 x 9 = . . . .

a. thirty four b. thirty three c. thirty six

3. 25 – 6 = . . .

a. twenty one b. nineteen c. eighteen

4. E – A – G – … – E..

The missing alphabet is…

a. el b. en c. em

5. R – S – H – O – E = . . .

The correct rearrange is . .(animal)

a. Rhose b. Horse c. Shoer

6. Anggur, pisang, semangka. Bahasa Inggris nya ialah . . .

a. banana, grape, melon

b. melon, grape, banana

c. grape, banana,watermelon

7. The king of the fruit is . . .

a. mango b. durian c. mangosteen

8. Fruit with a lot of kernel . . . . (jambu biji)

a. guava b. cassava c. pineapple

9. Kubis, wortel, tomat. In English is. . . .

a. Cabbage, carrot, tomato

b. brocc0l1, spinach, cherry

c. carrot, cabbage, tomato

10. Popeye like to eat . . .

a. carrot b. potato c. spinach

Text for questions 11-15.

My name is Afrina. I am a student. I live at Jl. Keren No. 55. My house paint color is brown. My family have an antique clock in our living room. My brother and I usually play games with Playstation. My father also give me a computer for my birthday last month.

11. Where is Afriana live?

a. Jl. Keren No. 55

b. Jl. Manggis No. 54

c. Jl. Keren No. 31

12. What is the paint color of her house?

a. blue b. red c. brown

13. What the present from her father in her birthday?

a. Playstation b. computer c. unique clock


14. What her family have in the living room?

a. computer b. playstation c. unique clock

15. With whom Afriana usually play playstation?

a. her father b. her boyfriend c. her brother

16. When we want to camping, we should bring. . .

a. tent b. refrigerator c. gas stove

17. The unproper tools for camping is . . . .

a. sandals b. jacket c. map

18. Traditional clothes from indonesia is . . .

a. batik b. sari c. suit

19. We can find batik easily in . . .

a. Kalimantan b. Papua c. Java

20. Aslan . . .English in his bedroom.

a. studied b. studies c. study

21. Setia is . . . the movie in the cinema.

a. watching b. watches c. saw

22. The highest animal in the world is . . . . (jerapah)

a. Zebra b. giraffe c. bird

23. My mother . . . . in the kitchen.

a. cooks b. sleep c. go

24. I put my clothes in the . . . .(lemari)

a. kitchen b. door c. wardrobe

25. The . . . . is hanging in the wall.

a. watch b. clock c. shoes

II. Write the Translation of the Words!

26. Run = . . . . 31. Window = . . . .

27. Bring = . . . 32. Floor = . . . .

28. Drink = . . . 33. Watermelon = . . .

29.Sleep = . . . 34. Spinach = . . .

30. Table = . . . . 35. potato =. . . .

III. Rearrange into the Correct Sentences!

36. play – basketball – Joan – I – and.

37. My – buy – car – a -father.

38. study – I – Mathematics.

39. wake – I – up – morning – in – the.

40. Siska – in – class – the – sleeps.

Key Answer

1.A 11.A 21.A

2.C 12.C 22.B

3.B 13.B 23.A

4.A 14.C 24.C

5.B 15.C 25.B

6.C 16.A

7.B 17.A

8.A 18.A

9.A 19.C

10.C 20.B

26. berlari 31. Jendela

27. membawa 32. lantai

28. minum 33. semangka

29. tidur 34. bayam

30. meja 35. kentang

36. Joan and I play basketball.

37. My father buy a car.

38. I study Mathematics.

39. I wake up in the morning.

40. Siska sleeps in the class
