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√ Referensi Recount Text For Senior High School Dan Artinya

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Contoh Recount Text For Senior High School dan Artinya – Simak teladan recount text for Senior High School berikut ini.

Extra Activity at School

My time in senior high school was so colorful. When I enrolled to senior high school, I was amazed by the service, facility, and many extracurricular that were promoted in the school. I was informed that there was a movie club. I was very happy to know it because watching movie is my hobby since I was a kid. Besides, I love to join organization which can support my hobby. Furthermore, in that movie club, the activity was not only watching and reviewing movie together. The most interested activity was making movie.

One day, the leader of the movie club proposed an event to the headmaster. He would like to hild a movie festival. He said that the movie pekan raya was not only to expand the network of the movie club but it also could promote a good image of my school. After convincing the headmaster, he announced that there was held a meeting regard. I was very excited to involve in that movie festival.

In the meeting, I was shocked that the club leader pointed me as the head project. It was an honour for me, on the other side, that would be a very big respossibility upon my shoulders. But, I would give my best effort to make the event successful. A month ahead, I proved it. In the movie festival, there were many competitions, such as movie making competition, movie soundtrack making, acting competition, and script writing competition. Event though there were some technical problem that I faced during the festival, I could lead the coordination with all comittee well. The event ran greatly. I also got appraisal from the the headmaster and teachers. I never expected but I got it.



Kegiatan Tambahan di Sekolah

Masa Sekolah Menengan Atas aku sangat berwarna. Ketika aku mendaftar di SMA, aku kagum dengan pelayanan, fasilitas, dan acara komplemen yang ditawarkan di sekolah itu. Saya diberi warta bahwa di sana terdapat klub film. Saya sangat bahagia mengetahuinya sebab menontong film ialah hobi aku semenjak kecil. Di samping itu, aku suka mengikuti organisasi yang sanggup mendukung hobi saya. Terlebih lagi, dalam klub tersebut, kegiatannya tidak hanya menonton dan mengulas film. Kegiatan yang paling menarik ialah menciptakan film.

Suatu hari, ketua klub film mengajukan program kepada kepala sekolah. Ia mengajukan untuk menyelenggarakan pekan raya film. Ketua menyampaikan bahwa pekan raya film tidak hanya meluaskan jaringan klub film tetapi juga sanggup mempromosikan gambaran baik sekolah. Setelah meyakinkan kepala sekolah, ia mengumumkan bahwa rapat akan di adakan. Saya sangat bersemangat untuk terlibat dalam pekan raya film tersebut.

Dalam rapat tersebut, aku terkejut sebab ketua klub menunjuk aku sebagai ketua panitia. Itu ialah sebuah kebanggaan bagi saya, di sisi lain menjadi tanggung jawab besar di bahu saya. Tetapi aku akan menawarkan perjuangan terbaik aku untuk menciptakan program tersebut sukses. Sebulan kemudian, aku membuktikannya. Dalam pekan raya film tersebut, terdpat banyak perlombaan menyerupai kompetisi pembuatan film, pembuatan sountrack, berakting, and kompetisi menulis skrip film. Meskipun terdapat beberapa duduk perkara teknis selama pekan raya berlangsng, aku sanggup memimpin koordinasi dengan semua panitia dengan baik. Acaranya berjalan dengan sangat baik. Saya juga mendapat kebanggaan dari kepala sekolah dan guru-guru. Saya tidak pernah mengharapkan kebanggaan itu, tetapi aku mendapatkannya.
