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√ Obrolan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Perihal Perkenalan

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Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Perkenalan – Dalam kehidupan sehari – hari niscaya kita akan dihadapkan dengan banyak sekali macam hal dan insiden baru. Terkadang kita juga akan bertemu dengan orang gres yang sama sekali belum kita kenal. Untuk mengenal seseorang yang gres kita temui, niscaya kita akan melaksanakan yang namanya perkenalan. Berikut kami sajikan contoh obrolan antara 2 orang wacana perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

A: Hello.

B: Hi. I am sorry, do I know you?

A: Oh, no you do not know me yet. I am a new student here in this university. My name is Olive. May I know your name?

B: Sure. I am Julie. Where are you from?

A: I come from Indonesia and I am a new student in this university. I get an overseas scholarship.

B: Oh that is great! So could I help you on something?

A: Oh yes, sure. I am looking for the faculty of education. Could you tell me where it is?

B: Yes, of course. It is my faculty. What study aktivitas are you in?

A: Really? That is good, then. I am in English education study program. What about you?

B: Oh so do I. I am in the fourth year in this university. Come on I will show you the study program. I am going to go to there as well.

A: Oh really? You are my senior, then. Alright, thank you so much.

B: So, how old are you?

A: I am 21 years old. What about you? I guess you are about 22 years old, aren’t you?

B: Ahh yes, you are right. I am 22 years old. You said that you are from Indonesia, so in which university did you study before you got the scholarship?

A: before getting the overseas scholarship, I studied in Lampung University. In there university I also took English education as my study program.

B: Aww that is so nice. I think that is why your English is pretty good.

A: Ah really? Thank you so much. So you are a native person here, right?

B: Yes, I am. Do you live alone here in this city?

A: Yes, I will live alone here in this city. I have not think about my living in here yet. Today i just want to do the administration fro my scholarship in this university and after that I will find a place to stay for a night maybe. I totally blind about this city because this is the first time for me to visit a city in other country with people speak in different language from my first language.

B: Ahh I see.. Maybe I can help you. I live near this university, so if you want you can stay in my home for a night. Tomorrow I will be free so I can help you to find a house for you while you study in this university.


A: Oh really? Thank you so much Julie.

B: No thanks needed. Anyway I know the place where Indonesian people live in this city.

A: Really? Are there such places for people from other countries in this city?

B: Yes, there are. Usually in a country, there will be many different spots or places for people who come from other countries. Like you, for example, you come from Indonesia and there is a neighborhood on which many Indonesian people live there.

A: Oh I just knew about it. Could you show me whenever you are free?

B: Sure, that is what I am talking about. I know that you will surely live nar the people who are coming from the same country as you, so we will go there tomorrow.

A: Oh thank you so much for the second time, Julie.

B: It is fine, do not mention it. I like to help you.

A: Well, is this our study program?

B: Yup. This is actually our faculty and English study aktivitas will be in the second building right beside the library. If you want to do the administration, you can go to the office in that building in the first floor.

A: Oh I see.. Okay I will do it. Thank you so much for your help.

B: No thanks needed. If you need more help, you can call me and this is my number. Now I have to go because I have a class.

A: Alright, thank you Julie. Anyway, nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you too, Olive. Byee..

A: See you..

Demikianlah pola obrolan antara 2 orang wacana perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat yaa.

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Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobi

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Persahabatan

Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Sekolah
