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√ Teladan Puisi Persahabatan Sejati Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Puisi Persahabatan Sejati dalam Bahasa Inggris – Sahabat, apakah kalian pernah menciptakan sebuah puisi untuk teman kalian? Atau pernahkah kalian mendengar puisi mengenai persahabatan? Puisi yang sering kita dengar ialah puisi yang ditujukan kepada kekasih. Namun, puisi juga sanggup disampaikan untuk teman kita. Berikut ialah beberapa teladan puisi persahabatan sejati dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh 1

Not For So Long, Friend

Soon friends,

Soon … Be patient ..

The step will stop at the points of interest ..

The journey will end beautifully ..

We do not need to think and plan how to end it later ..

We only need to follow it with sincerity ..

Maybe there are tears, but certainly not tears of sorrow ..

Even the animals have their future to move ..

Soon friends ,,

Soon … Be patient ..

The journey we are pursuing to get ..

The journey will end beautifully ..

Since all the early running that we’ve been through beautifully ,,

Various types of stories have etched in there ..

Last termination then we can commemorate all the memories ..

In the rest we’ll smiled remembering all of our memories in the twilight of the month ..

Soon friends ,,

Soon … Be patient ..

The trip will end beautifully ..

And we will see what kind of shoots that will grow ..

Soon friends ,,

Soon … Be patient ..

The trip will end beautifully ..

Then smile, even though the tears flow down on your face..

Contoh 2


I can not imagine me

It’s happened to me this time

Unexpected in my heart

Time cruelly struck the soul

It’s farewell to tears

In a blanket of sadness in the joy

This separation carve the memories

In joy and sorrow

For years we had been together

Digging talent for the future

This separation missed the fellow

Parting is the growing awareness of the significance of togetherness

Split end of the meeting

Split end of the pleasure

Split end of the memories

Split meaningless fun

Hug tightly everyone beside you

Hug tightly all beloved companions

Until you shed tears of longing

Until you silent

Because I know

No more time for us

No life without meeting and farewell

Contoh 3


In the past we did not like this

But now we like this

In the past we did not differ

But now we split

In the past we laughed together

But now we always cry

In the past we were so free

But now we are crashing

It was me, us, and him

It was us and him together

But now we are not united like before!!

Black fog is increasingly frozen

Everything has changed

The past, today and tomorrow

In the past was there no peace for us

But now all the ever changing

Today started my longing

Peace was back in my heart

And save it always

For tomorrow

Because of him we were like this

Because of him is this poem


Contoh 4

Dreaming Friends

When the night comes ..

That’s when I always miss ..

You are used to always be with me ..

Now you are far abroad ..

We are separated by a long distance ..

If you know ..

I am here always missing you ..

I miss the figure of you were so cheerful ..

Either how are you right now ..

Only the portrait drawings that could dismiss this longing ..

You are my best friend ..

Do not forget me ..

Although we are phisically far, but we remain one destination ..

Contoh 5

The Time will Answer

Remember when we were together in advance

Lacing friendship so tight

Which probably no one can take it off

To divide us all

But increasingly the seconds passed

All had been lost at times swallowed

Like leaves that break down the soil

What can not be restored

When the liver is thought to you

During that time, tears came out dripping

When the eye sees all the memories

During that time, I want to be with you

Are we still able to get along ..?

Joking and laughing again

However, was it only like a wind passed by?

Only time can answer it all.

Contoh 6

Chilhood Friend

So many beautiful moments

Not as beautiful as the time

The laughter of innocent bunch of boys

Ohh.. How funny

The memories still haunt

That will never lose whenever it comes,

This lip smile

My heart wants to see you again,

But it had been a different way

Although my heart expects

Little friend then

Could only laugh not say anything

Little friend today

not just talk

It could even have melody

My childhood friend, I miss you ..

Demikianlah beberapa teladan puisi persahabatan sejati dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga puisi – puisi tersebut sanggup menciptakan persahabatan teman sekalian bertambah erat. Terima kasih.

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