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√ Prepositions – Definisi, Daftar, Referensi Kalimatnya

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Prepositions – Definisi, Daftar, & Contoh KalimatnyaSahabat, kalian niscaya pernah memakai kata “in”, “on”, “at”, atau “of” saat kalian berbicara atau menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, bukan? Apakah kalian tahu jenis dari kata – kata tersebut? Yup, kata – kata tersebut termasuk ke dalam jenis Presposition. Berikut yaitu pengertian, daftar, dan referensi kalimat dari Preposition.


Pengertian Preposition


Preposition atau kata depan merupakan sebuah kata di depan noun atau pronoun yang mengatakan hubungannya dengan kata lain dalam sebuah kalimat.


Daftar Kata Preposition


Di bawah ini yaitu preposition yang sering dipakai dalam Bahasa Inggris dan referensi – referensi penggunaannya dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris.


PrepositionArtiContoh Kalimat
About·         Tentang


·         Kira – kira / sekitar


·         Di sekitar / sekeliling

·         He is talking about his childhood to his girlfriend.

·         The distance is about 30 kilometers.

·         She wears a scarf about her neck.

Above·         Di atas·         The birds fly above the houses in my neighborhood.
Across from·         Di seberang·         My house is across from the hospital.
After·         Setelah

·         Mengikuti


·         I will see you after breakfast.

·         I give you name after your father.

Against·         Melawan


·         Berlawanan


·         Pada


·         Don’t fight against each other please!

·         They stand against each other in the hospital.

·         Let’s hung the picture against the wall!

Along·         Sepanjang·         I walk along the road at night.
Among·         Di antara (lebih dari dua)·         I walked among angry passengers when I passedan empty road yesterday.
Around·         Di sekeliling


·         Di sekitar

·         The belt around her waist loos nice.

·         I just go around this town!

At·         Di


·         Pada (waktu)

·         Ke

·         He is standing at the door near the kitchen.

·         The plane will arrive at 7 o’clock.

·         I look at the map.

Before·         Sebelum

·         Di depan

·         See you before the show okay?

·         The girl kneels down before me.

Behind·         Di belakang·         She will standing behind me before talking to the principal.
Below·         Di bawah·         The mark is still below the average that I have to study harder.
Beneath·         Di bawah·         I hide my letter beneath my pillow so that every one will have no idea where it is.
Beside·         Di samping·         The building beside my school is a book shop.
Besides·         Selain·         Besides fruits, it is also good to consume vegetables.
Between·         Di antara (dua)·         I stand between the twins in the living room.
Beyond·         Di luar·         It is beyond my expectation.
By·         Dengan


·         Oleh / dari


·         Melewati


·         Di dekat

·         Pada


·         The students usually go to school by bus.

·         This is a book by a tallented writer.

·         They walk by my apartment building.

·         I will always stand by you.

·         I will have been there by Sunday.

Despite·         Meskipun·         Rinta comes despite the rain.
Down·         Ke bawah / turun·         She walks down the stairs carefully.
During·         Selama·         There are many assignments during this summer holiday.
For·         Untuk

·         Selama

·         Karena

·         The gift is special for you.

·         I have been living here for years.

·         I buy it for it is not so expensive as I expected.

From·         Dari·         Dinda got the prescription from the doctor.
In·         Di dalam

·         Di (tempat)

·         Pada (waktu)

·         His books are in my bag.

·         Do you live in this town?

·         The performance will be started in the afternoon after the break.

Into·         Ke dalam·         Nana put her money into the wallet.
Near·         Di dekat·         He sits near me in the school bus.
Of·         Dari

·         Tentang

·         The ring is made of gold.

·         I think of you all the time in my life.

On·         Di atas

·         Pada (waktu)

·         Put the glass on the table.

·         We will go for vacation on the weekend.

Over·         Di atas


·         Melampaui


·         Di / ke seluruh

·         The sailors spend most of their time over the seas.

·         The member of the party is over 3.000 people.

·         I dream of travelling over the world.

Since·         Sejak


·         Karena

·         I have been here since this morning.

·         I stay home since I am not totally feeling healthy.

Through·         Melalui·         I enter the building through the main door.
Throughout·         Di seluruh·         His name becomes famous throughout the world.
Till·         Hingga / sampai·         I watch those movies till the end.
To·         Untuk

·         Ke / pada

·         I come to say good bye.

·         Nia and I plan to go to the park tomorrow.

Toward(s)·         Terhadap·         Leo’s attitude towards her is very unpleasant.
Under·         Di bawah / ke bawah·         Intan is always under the influence of her friends.
Until·         Sampai / hingga·         I don’t want to leave until he comes.
Up·         Ke atas / naik·         She walks up the step.
Upon·         Pada/ di/ di atas (permukaan)·         There is a mosquito upon my skin.
With·         Dengan/ bersama·         Vivin went to the market with her mother.
Within·         Di dalam·         There are goods within the container.
without·         Tanpa·         Via came to the party without her boyfriend.


Perlu diingat bahwa kalau kalian meletakkan kata kerja (verb) sesudah Preposition, maka bentuk kata kerja tersebut haruslah bermetamorfosis Verb-ing. Demikianlah pengertian, daftar kata, serta referensi kalimat dari Preposition. Terima kasih.


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