√ Ingin Lomba Debat? Ini Pola Teks Debat Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
Ingin Lomba Debat? Ini Contoh Teks Debat Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Debat merupakan acara berdiskusi mengenai suatu hal dalam lembaga formal. Ketika berdebat, kita harus menentukan tema yang sempurna semoga debat terjadi dengan seru. Tema debat yang dipilih haruslah mempunyai argumen yang berlainan (pro dan kontra). Dalam berdebat, setiap tim haruslah berpegang teguh terhadap argumen yang dipegang (pro maupun kontra). Berikut ialah pola bahan debat Bahasa Inggris.
Materi 1
Some TV shows in Indonesia, such as gossip, soap operas, talk shows, advertising raids, and so forth can help the entry of globalization but also can turn off the Indonesian cultural personal.
Pro Arguments:
It is actually good if the television show in Indonesia is growing on which it is seen from the increasing number of events and the more creative the entertainment topics. Some TV shows such as Reality Show strongly encourages Indonesia to be known in the international world, to finally make Indonesia ready to enter the Era of Globalization. Unfortunately, these advances have made Indonesian indigenous cultures dead, because as the progress, Indonesia is now starting to lead to a foreign lifestyle, until today’s young generation no longer appreciates indigenous Indonesian culture, such as dance arts, wayang, batik, statues, carvings, and so forth.
Contra Arguments:
I agree that the rise of TV shows such as those abroad is an advancement for Indonesian television, and can help Indonesia in the face of globalization. However, the assertion that it is a deadly Indonesian personal culture is very intolerable. It is because precisely with such progress, Indonesian culture can be more globalized, known, and admired by people overseas who still do not realize how great and unique the original culture of Indonesia is. This is should be the fact that these TV shows can help the entry of globalization to come into Indonesia, then the culture of Indonesia will also be pushed to get out of Indonesia to be known internationally.
Materi 2
Many street vendors on the roadside make Indonesia look untidy and a poor country in the eyes of the international world. So in the name of Indonesia, the street vendors must be evicted.
Pro Arguments:
If tourists from abroad come to Indonesia and see many street vendors who roam on the streets, it can not be blamed if the tourists conclude that Indonesia is a developed country and many of its citizens are living in poverty. So in the name of Indonesia, the wandering street vendors must be eliminated, and Indonesia must organize itself into a clean and tidy country in order to raise its degree so that it is considered good by the whole world. Thus, facing the kurun of globalization is not a difficult thing for Indonesia.
Contra Arguments:
Until now it can not be denied if, indeed, Indonesia is a country whose majority of the population still lives in the middle-low economy class. So there is no need for fraud against the international world with the aim of raising the degree, if in fact there are still many Indonesian citizens who have economic problems. We can also try to imagine how the reaction of all the people of Indonesia if all street vendors cleaned. Many people will become unemployed, demos will become more widespread, and chaos will definitely happen. That would actually increase the bad view of Indonesia in the world. Unless the street vendors are moved to a clean location, they must be provided by a new replacement location. Then, a new statement to clear all street vendors from the streets is acceptable.
Materi 3
Crime in Indonesia is due to the abundance of children neglected by parents.
Pro Arguments:
Psychological factors are very influential on self-criminal. If a child does not have the correct guidance from his parents, then it is reasonable if there is a side that is not right in the individual himself. So it can be concluded that the crime in Indonesia is due to improper parental guidance, resulting in irregularities that refer to crime. The number of criminals in Indonesia can reduce the degree of Indonesia in the eyes of the international world because a high crime will damage the good name of Indonesia, which until now is still considered to have many friendly and virtuous citizens.
Contra Arguments:
We can not blame parents for causing someone to be a criminal. There may be criminals who are misguided by their parents, but there are far more criminals who already have bad qualities of themselves. The crime can also be caused by the demands of life, for example a very poor man who needs food will eventually be forced by the situation in his life to do the act of robbery. He was not taught by his parents, but circumstances that urge him to commit a crime.
Demikianlah pola bahan debat Bahasa Inggris. Semoga pola bahan tersebut sanggup membantu kalian dalam menyusun bahan debat dengan baik. Terima kasih.
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