√ Penempatan Kata Depan (Preposition) Sesudah Kata Sifat (Adjective) Dan Daftar Kata Prepostion After Adjective
Penempatan Kata Depan (Preposition) Setelah Kata Sifat (Adjective) Dan Daftar Kata-Kata Prepostion After Adjective
Specific preposition atau kata depan khusus dipakai sehabis certain adjective atau kata sifat tertentu. Tidak ada hukum yang niscaya untuk memastikan yang mana preposition atau kata depan yang harus dipakai dengan kata sifat. Kunci nya yaitu kita hanya perlu mempelajari ihwal preposition atau kata depan maupun adjective atau kata sifat.
Agar lebih jelas, berikut yaitu daftar dari beberapa adjective atau kata sifat yang umum dipakai dan preposition atau kata depan yang biasanya dipakai :
Daftar kata sifat (adjective) dan kata depan (preposition) yang sering digunakan
accustomed | to |
afraid | of |
accused | of |
acquainted | with |
addicted | to |
annoyed | about/with/at |
allergic | to |
amazed | at/by |
anxious | about |
appreciated | for |
ashamed | of |
associated | with |
astonished | at/by |
aware | of |
angry | with |
afraid | of |
attached | to |
bad | at |
based | on |
beneficial | to |
boastful | for |
bored | with |
brilliant | at |
busy | with |
capable | of |
careful | with/about/of |
certain | about |
characteristic | of |
clever | at |
connected | with |
conscious | of |
content | with |
crazy | about |
crowded | with |
curious | about |
dissatisfied | with |
doubtful | about |
delighted | at/about |
derived | from |
different | from |
disappointed | with |
eager | for |
eligible | for |
enthusiastic | about |
excellent | in/at |
excited | about |
experienced | in |
exposed | to |
envious | of |
faithful | to |
familiar | with |
famous | for |
fed up | with |
free | of/from |
frightened | of |
friendly | with |
fond | of |
furious | about |
furnished | with |
full | of |
generous | with/about |
guilty | of/about |
gentle | with |
good | at |
grateful | to |
happy | about |
hopeful | of/about |
identical | with/to |
immune | to |
impressed | with |
inferior | to |
indifferent | to |
innocent | of |
interested | in |
involved | with |
incapable | of |
jealous | of |
kind | to |
keen | on |
late | for |
limited | to |
lucky | at |
nervous | of/about |
notorious | for |
opposed | to |
patient | with |
pessimistic | about |
pleased | with |
polite | to |
popular | with |
presented | with |
proud | of |
punished | for |
puzzled | by/about |
qualified | for |
ready | for |
related | to |
relevant | to |
respectful | for |
responsible | for |
rid | of |
sad | about |
safe | from |
satisfied | with |
scared | of |
sensitive | to |
serious | about |
sick | of |
similar | to |
shocked | By |
skilful | At |
slow | At |
sorry | for/about |
successful | In |
suitable | For |
sure | of/about |
superior | To |
surprised | At |
suspicious | Of |
sympathetic | With |
terrible | At |
terrified | Of |
tired | Of |
thankful | to/for |
trilled | With |
troubled | With |
typical | Of |
unaware | Of |
upset | About |
used | To |
wrong | with/about |
worried | About |
Demikian pembahasan bahan pada kesempatan kali ini mengenai penempatan kata depan atau preposition sehabis kata sifat atau adjective dan daftar kata-kata nya.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi seluruh pembaca dan sobat IBI (ilmubahasainggris.com) dimanapun berada.
Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :
- 10 Contoh Pengumuman Disekolah Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
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