√ 6 Pola Seruan Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Contoh Undangan Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris – Silakan simak pola contoh seruan resmi bahasa Inggris berikut ini.
Contoh 1
The General Assembly of Funland
Requests the honour of your presence
at the Inauguration of
Cheerful Lady
Governor of Funland
Peter Sad
Lieutenant Governor of Funland
Kennes Happy
Attorney General of Funland
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Two thousand and sixteen
at twelve o’clock noon
The State Capital
Diamond Funland
Contoh 2
The Federation of Street Artists
Cold Street number 45, Warm City
Email: streetartists@federation.com
On behalf of Country Street Artists Community and all street artists in Warm city, I would like to invite for the 2016 Wall Painting Open Championship (WPOC) which will be held from 29 May – 8 June 2016. As every year on holiday, we try our best to make better championship and exhibition of every participant’s masterpiece than the previous year. There is no registration fee since this event is full-funded by the government of Warm city. The registration deadline is May 25, 2016. Please fill the registration form and send it as soon as possible by post, fax, or email.
Sincerely yours,
Drean Kareen
Street Artists Leader
Contoh 3
The Holy Land Ambassador to Funland Federation
Andy Keysho and Alicia Joyan
Request the pleasure of your company at a meeting of
The Holy Land and Green Army Veteran of the Second World War
President Lee Greg and Mrs. Pretty Greg
Monday, May 22, 2016
Holy Land Embassy
The Funland veteran will gather at the Voyage Building at 2 p.m.
The Holy Land veteran will meet at Winwin Tower at 2.15 p.m.
All guests will be transported to the site by the Holy Land Emassy vehicle and
Admitted at 2.45 p.m. with this invitation and photo identification
Contoh 4
With the Blessing of Our Parents
Mr. Jesi Konro Mr. Dobrev Great
Mrs. Nini Konro Mrs. Winny Great
Lerry Konro and Selly Great
Request the gaji of your presence
As we are united in sacred and holy matrimony
on Sunday, the twenty second of May two thousand and sixteen
at nine o’clock in the morning
Bahana Ball Room
Elite Class Hotel, Jayajaya City
Reception Immediately Follows
at eleven o’clock in the morning
Bahana Ball Room
Elite Class Hotel, Jayajaya City
Contoh 5
The Principal, Staff, and Students of
Karya Anak Bangsa School and Education Foundation
cordially invite you to their
10th School’s Anniversary Celebrations
On Wednesday, the eighteenth of May two thousand and sixteen
at eight o’clock in the morning
at Meeting Room and School Hall
Mr. Matthew Peace
(Director of KAB School and Education Foundation)
has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest
Administration Officer
Phone: 02692822922
(Guests are requested to be in their seats by 07.30 a.m)
(Valid only for two)
P.S. Formal Dress
Contoh 6
The Harum Bunga Foundation
Friday, the twentieth of May two thousand and sixteen
from ten o’clock in the morning to one o’clock in the noon
Tulipe Hotel and Restaurant
Executive Gold Ballroom
Kota Bunga
Please RSVP to Rinni at 0811-0389-7879 by eighteenth of May two thousand and sixteen
Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id