√ 5 Pola Puisi Perihal Ibu Dalam Bahasa Inggris
5 Contoh Puisi Tentang Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris – Hai sobat, sebelumnya kita telah membahas aneka macam referensi puisi cinta dan puisi untuk ayah. Kalian niscaya telah mendengar banyak sekali referensi puisi untuk ibu dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Lalu bagaimana dengan puisi wacana ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris? Berikut yaitu beberapa referensi puisi wacana ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Contoh 1
A Poem for Mother
Drops of blood, sweat and tear
Enough chalked already
Beautiful inscriptions in my life
Fulfilled in every crevice of space and time
Your simply murmured of pray
And, the wrinkles on your forehead to arrange the future
For the sake of your children
Has become a witness
In the expanse of beautiful tapestry of a house in the heaven
Forgive me if what I have done has not yet perfect for you
When old age comes to you
Mother, please forgive your children
Goodbye, mother
Embracing the long road to the bosom
Of the Lord of the Universe
Rest assured a moment shared destiny
We will smile together with the scented of paradise
Contoh 2
My Lovely Mother
Youare always there for me
Accompany me through the ups and downs
Accompany me throught the happy days
You always guide me
And teach me the noble character
In my daily life
You are like an angel to me
You are also like a friend to me
The sincerity that is in you
Make me proud of you
I will always love you
You righteousness can never be reciprocated by me
But I will try to be the best child for you
Contoh 3
The Angel with No Wing
You are my inspiration
I go to around the world
And you are always there beside me
A little expectations from you
I make the guidelines at every step
You always mention me in your pray
You shield my life
You’re the best encouragement in my life
You’re like an angel without wings for me
You are everything to me
I’m without you is like the wind without direction
You are like an ocean
A place to rest the anxiety heart
Thank you for your love
Thank you for your struggle
Thank you for your concern
Thank you for every drop of sweat shed for your child
Thank you for your sacrifices
Forgive my anger
Forgive my selfishness
Forgive bad behavior
I’m sorry about your tears
Mother , you light a torch in my life
If someone asks me who my satria is
Surely my answer is you
Contoh 4
Love is Mother
When love is questionable
When love sought
Why do my eyes blind
Why is hard to see
Love being in front of the eye
Always with me, hold me, hug me
Love is in the milk that I drank when I was a little baby
Love is in the arms of a strong hand when I fell asleep crying and laughing
Love is there in holding hands and in a hug
Love is there on a warm cereal every morning
In my failure
There are smiles and a stream of cool words
In my joy
There are laughter and hand tousled my hair
In my fault
There is someone who stands in front of me
That gives many wise advices to me
All that is in you, Mom
You are the love intact in me
When I get disappointed
You never go away from me
You take me in your hearts and minds
No matter where you are
Until you’re in eternity you still put me in your heart
And your pray is for me
Until I do not feel alone
Even if you’re in eternity
And I’m in the mortal world
Until we are together again forever
I miss you, Mom
Wait for me until the time comes
You are the love is
Contoh 5
The Tears of Mother
In a weary smile you hiding
Suffering day and night befell
Not for one moment stop your step
To be able to give a new hope for me
Pile of scolding always approached
Bright as insults do not care for you
You always step forward for my future
Looking for a new hope again for your child
Not a pile of gold that you would expect in my success
Not a roll of money that you ask in my success
Nor a kafetaria of bronze in my victory
But I’m happy that your heart desires
And you always say to me
I love you now and when I’m no longer with you
I love you my child with my sincerity
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