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√ 20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Wacana Clause Kunci Jawaban

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20 Soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Clause & Kunci Jawaban – Klausa merupakan sekumpulan kata yang sanggup bangun sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat (induk kalimat) atau pun sebagai anak kalimat. Klausa dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai “clause”. Sebuah klausa terdiri dari subjek (subject) dan predikasi (predication) sehingga sebuah klausa sanggup bangun sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat. Agar lebih memahami wacana klausa, berikut ialah soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Klausa (Clause) dan kunci jawabannya.

Choose the best answer of the option a, b, c, or d.

1. The man … we met at the mall yesterday is the owner of the bookstore near your house.

a) Whose

b) Which

c) Who

d) Whom

2. My mother met the teacher … is our classmate.

a) Whose daughter

b) Who is daughter

c) The daughter of us

d) Her daughter

3. This is the house … he showed me his new collection of cars.

a) When

b) Where

c) What

d) who

4. … is a break from your job and have a holiday for a while.

a) You need

b) What you need

c) Whether you need

d) Why you need

5. It is already known … water and solar energy are alternative energy source.

a) Whether

b) What

c) That

d) In case

6. Rina said to Johan, “Did you finish your assignment?”

Rina asked Johan …

a) If he had finished his assignment

b) If he finished his assignment

c) Whether he has finish his assignment

d) Whether he finished his assignment

7. Mr. Linton asked his wife “who called me just now?”

It means that …

a) Mr. Linton wants to know who calls him

b) Mr. Linton wanted to know who called him

c) Mr. Linton wanted to know who had called him

d) Mr. Linton wants to know who called him

8. No one is admitted in the university … she or he passes the entry test.

a) As

b) If

c) Whether

d) Unless

9. “Do you buy this book from my friend?” asked Jenny. Jenny wanted to know whether I … tht book from her friend.

a) Will buy

b) Has bought

c) Bought

d) Buy

10. The insect … stung my sister’s hand two days ago.

a) A big bee with black body colour

b) Which is a big bee with black body colour

c) A big bee which with black body colour

d) It is a big bee with black body colour

11. My father wanted to know …

a) Whether I have applied for the scholarship

b) Whether I applied for the scholarship

c) If I applied for the scholarship

d) If I had applied for the scholarship


12. … is unforgettable.

a) What we did in our last holiday in Bali

b) What did we do in our last holiday in Bali

c) What we do in our last holiday in Bali

d) What do we do in our last holiday in Bali

13. It will be possible …

a) That she will be able to make our situation get worse

b) That will she be able to make our situation get worse

c) Whether she will be able to make our situation get worse

d) Whether she would be able to make our situation get worse

14. Dinda always talks about her life experiences with …

a) Will whoever listen to her

b) Whoever will listen to her

c) Whomever will listen to her

d) Will whomever listen to her

15. My little brother always wonders …

a) Which his teacher also worked in Lampung University as a lecturer

b) Which does his teacher also work in Lampung University as a lecturer

c) If his teacher also works in Lampung University as a lecturer

d) If does his teacher also work in Lampung University as a lecturer

16. My aunt asked me …

a) Who Rikkard Ambrose was

b) Who Rikkard Ambrose is

c) Who is Rikkard Ambrose

d) Who was Rikkard Ambrose

17. She does not know …

a) To make a cake

b) Which to make a cake

c) What makes a cake

d) How to make a cake

18. … is awesome.

a) That can the girl play a guitar

b) That a girl can play a guitar

c) Which the girl could play a guitar

d) Which could the girl play a guitar

19. Sunday is the day … everybody has a day off.

a) What

b) When

c) Where

d) Which

20. The movie … we were watching was very good.

a) That

b) When

c) Whose

d) What

Kunci Jawaban:

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. A

13. A

14. B

15. C

16. A

17. D

18. B

19. B

20. A

Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Clause dan kunci jawabannya. Soal tersebut dibutuhkan sanggup menambah pemahaman teman – teman semua wacana Clause. Terima kasih.

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