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√ Teladan Soal Wacana Penggunaan Present Obligation And Necessity Dan Jawabannya

Konten [Tampil]

Contoh Soal perihal Penggunaan Present Obligation and Necessity dan Jawabannya – Mengungkapkan kewajiban (obligation) dan kebutuhan (necessity) dalam bahasa Inggris mempunyai penggunaan frasa yang berbeda. Terdapat bebeberapa frasa khusus yang dipakai menyerupai have to, must, need to dan sebagainya. Agar lebih terang perihal penggunaan frasa tersebut, berikut yakni pola soal perihal penggunaan present obligation and necessity dan jawabannya.


I. Match the sentence beginnings (number 1 – 6) to the endings (point a –g), and state if the phrases in italics express obligation (o), necessity (n) or freedom from obligation or necessity (f).



We must do the exercise to improve our bad scores d) > O


1.      We don’t have to go out ___ > ___

2.      I have to go through that little road ___ > ___

3.      You have to be discipline and work hard ___ > ___

4.      They need not wait for an invitation because ___ > ___

5.      My sister needs to go to the doctor, ___ > ___

6.      He needs to be there by 8.00 ___ > ___

a)      every time I go to our other office.

b)      but she hates going so she keeps putting it off.

c)      if you’d rather stay in.

d)      before the simpulan exam begins .

e)      to be successful in this job.

f)       or else he will be in trouble.

g)      they are welcome to come any time.


II. Read the description of jobs (A – C) written by learners. If the use of modal verbs of obligation or necessity are correct give a tick (P), or use a different verb if they are not.


AI work in the theatre. You must not have any formal qualifications, but you have to be trained by an experienced supervisor and you (1) must work long hours.


Must not > don’t have to

Have to   > P


1.      must       > ________

2.      must       > ________

3.      have to   > ________

4.      must not > ________

5.      must       > ________

6.      have to   > ________

7.      must not > ________

8.      must       > ________

9.      must       > ________

10.  must       > ________

11.  must not > ________

12.  must       > ________


BYou (2) must work long, irregular hours in doing this business. You (3) have to be prepared to do simple tasks like the washing-up as awll as manage your staff. People (4) must not be highly qualified; they just (5) must be enthusiastic. Now excuse me, I really (6) have to go now in order to phone some of my staff.


CI have a very ordinary job. You (7) must not be anything special; you (8) must like people. Oh, and you (9) must be able to be polite even when you are feeling annoyed with someone. There is something else that is very important for the bosses. It is that they (10) must be able to trust you with all that money. I (11) must not wear a uniform like they do in some of the other places, but I (12) must look smart.



III. Rewrite each of the written notices number 1 – 6 below using spoken language. Use the verbs of must, have got, have to, need to, must not, don’t have to, or don’t need to. Start each sentence with ‘You’.





> You have got to report to the receptionist and sign the visitors’ book


1.SHOW YOUR PASSPORT AT RECEPTION>____________________________
2.Wear rubber gloves when using this product.>____________________________
3.Shake bottle for best results.>____________________________
4.DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BAG UNATTENDED>____________________________
5.Remember to take all your belongings with when you leave the aircraft.>____________________________
6.DANGER – DO NOT TOUCH!>____________________________









Kunci Jawaban:



  1. c) > F

  2. a) > O

  3. e) > O

  4. g) > F

  5. b) > N

  6. f) > N



  1. must > need to

  2. must     > need to

  3. have to > P

  4. must not > don’t need to

  5. must > need to

  6. have to > P

  7. must not > don’t need to

  8. must > need to

  9. must > P

  10. must > P

  11. must not > don’t need to

  12. must > need to



  1. You must / have to / have got to show your passport at reception.

  2. You must / have to wear rubber gloves when using this product.

  3. You need to / have to shake the bottle for the best results.

  4. You must not leave your bag unattended.

  5. You need to / have to remember to take all your belongings with you when you leave the aircraft.

  6. You must not touch it because it is dangerous.

  7. You need to be silent because there is an exam.


Demikianlah pola soal perihal penggunaan present obligation and necessity dan jawabannya. Semoga beberapa pola soal di atas sanggup membantu sobat – sobat memahami penggunaan frasa – frasa tersebut. Semoga bermanfaat!

