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√ Soal Latihan Perihal Topic Sentence Dalam Paragraf Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

Soal Latihan wacana Topic Sentence dalam Paragraf Bahasa Inggris beserta Jawabannya – Sebuah paragraf bahasa Inggris umumnya mempunyai 3 bagian, yaitu topic sentence, supporting detail, dan conclusion. Topic sentence biasanya terletak di awal paragraf dan di kalimat pertama. Agar lebih jelasnya wacana bahan topic sentence ini, berikut ialah soal latihan wacana topic sentence dalam paragraf bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya.

I. Double underline the topic and underline the controlling idea in each of the following topic sentence.

1. College students take many kinds of tests.

2. Good roommates have four characteristics.

3. Small cars have several advantages.

4. A baseball player must master several skills.

5. Big cars are safer than small cars for two reasons.

6. Living with your parents has certain advantages.

7. Talent and dedication are two characteristics of Olympic athletes.

8. Living with your parents has certain disadvantages.

9. Tokyo is one of the world’s most expensive cities.

10. The Middle East is the birthplace of three major religions.

11. Tokyo has excellent public transportation systems.

II. Read 5 paragraphs below. Choose and write the best topic sentence for each paragraph on the line provided.

1. ___________________________________________________________ . Firstly, living in a foreign country helps you learn another language faster than studying it at school. Secondly, you can learn directly about the history, geography, and culture of a country. Thirdly, you become a more tolerant person because you experience different ways of living. The last, living in a foreign country makes you appreciate your own country better.

A. You can learn by living in a foreign country.

B. We should live in a foreign country for a while.

C. Some benefits you can get by living in a foreign country.

2. __________________________________________________________ . There are some private colleges and universities in the United States. Private colleges and universities are usually more expensive because they do not get money from taxes. Meanwhile, some other colleges and universities are public. It means the citizens of each state pay some of the costs through their taxes so that public colleges are cheaper for students to attend. However, you can get a good education no matter which type of college you attend – public or private.

A. Two main types of colleges and universities in the United States are private and public.

B. Private colleges and universities get money from taxes.

C. There are only some colleges and universities in the United States.

3. _________________________________________________________ . First, the classes in small college are small. There are approximately twenty students in average class in a small college. Second, it is easy to meet with professors. Almost all professors in small colleges have time to help students and are usually happy to do so. Third, small colleges are friendly, so new students make friends quickly. Thus, small colleges are better than large universities for many students.

A. Small colleges are friendlier than large universities.

B. Some reasons are stated for attending a small college instead of a large university.

C. An excellent education you can get at a small college.


4. _____________________________________________________________ . One reason is that employers want workers to be dependable. They certainly want workers who come to work every day. The other reason is employers want workers who are responsible. The employers would like to give the worker a project to do and know that it will be done well. In addition, employers look for workers who can work well with others. The ability to get along with co-workers is important to the success of business. In short, employers look for dependable and responsible team players.

A. It is difficult to find good employers these days.

B. Employers read job applications very carefully.

C. The three main qualities the employers look for in their employees.

5. ____________________________________________________________ . Green curry is the hottest Thai curry. People who will enjoy green curry are those who like very spicy food. Red curry is medium hot. It doesn’t burn your mouth and is flavorful. Yellow curry is the mildest of all. This curry is usually the choice of people who eat Thai food for the first time. To summarize, you have three delicious choices when you order Thai curry.

A. Thai curry has three different colors.

B. The meaning of different colors in Thai curry.

C. Different colors have different meaning in Thai food.

Kunci Jawaban:


1. College students take many kinds of tests.

2. Good roommates have four characteristics.

3. Small cars have several advantages.

4. A baseball player must master several skills.

5. Big cars are safer than small cars for two reasons.

6. Living with your parents has certain advantages.

7. Talent and dedication are two characteristics of Olympic athletes.

8. Living with your parents has certain disadvantages.

9. Tokyo is one of the world’s most expensive cities.

10. The Middle East is the birthplace of three major religions.

11. Tokyo has excellent public transportation systems.


1. C. Some benefits you can get by living in a foreign country.

2. A. Two main types of colleges and universities in the United States are private and public.

3. B. Some reasons are stated for attending a small college instead of a large university.

4. C. The three main qualities the employers look for in their employees.

5. A. Thai curry has three different colors.

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