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√ Latihan Soal Wacana Ungkapan Suggestions And Advice Beserta Kunci Jawaban

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Latihan Soal perihal Ungkapan Suggestions and Advice beserta Kunci Jawaban – Ungkapan suggestions and advice dalam bahasa Inggris dipakai untuk meminta saran dan nasehat dari seseorang. Perbedaan antara suggestions dan advice ini yaitu terletak pada kekuatan maknanya. Suggestions yaitu saran yang kita berikan ke orang lain, namun advice adalah nasehat semoga orang lain melaksanakan apa yang kita ucapkan alasannya yaitu kita yakin bahwa nasehat tersebut benar. Agar lebih jelasnya, berikut yaitu latihan soal perihal ungkapan suggestions and advice beserta kunci jawabannya.



Match the suggestions / advice in number 1 – 8 to the responses point a) – i).



You should try doing more exercise. > b)


1.      Why don’t we visit Dubai this summer holiday? > ___

2.      You shouldn’t work such long hours. > ___

3.      Don’t think about her. > ___

4.      We could get her a new pen. > ___

5.      Shall we go out tonight? > ___

6.      Why don’t you ask him to meet you tonight? > ___

7.      Let’s go for a walk, shall we? > ___

8.      You could always put the decision off a little bit longer. > ___


a)      That’s a good idea. She is always losing hers.

b)      Yes, you’r right. It would do me good.

c)      Yes, or we could go somewhere cheaper.

d)      Yes we could, but I think I’d prefer to stay at home and just watch TV.

e)      That’s sensible advice, but I can’t forget her.

f)       I know, but I have got a lot to do.

g)      Do you think so? I think I might miss my chance if I leave it much longer.

h)      Hmm. I am too shy to do that.

i)       Yes, good idea. I need some fresh air.



Use the verbs in brackets, and the instructions to complete the conversation.


Ask for adviceA:What do you thik I should do?
Give adviceB:



It’s a difficult situation, but if I were you I’d think (think) about it.

I have, and I just don’t know what to do. That’s why I am asking you.

Give adviceB:Well, (1) you _________ always _________ (accept) both jobs now.
Reject adviceA:(2) ________________________ it’s just delaying the decision.
Make a suggestionB:Then, maybe you (3) _______________________ (write) a list for each job with advantages and disadvantages.
Accept a suggestion, make a suggestionA:That’s a (4) _________ . (5) ___________ we __________ (do) it now?
Accept a suggestion, make a suggestionB:Yeah. OK. (6) ___________ (start) with the local job, and then do the everseas one, (7) _________________ ?
Refure a suggestionA:Yes, or we (8) ________________ (do) each one together, comparing the positive and negative points as we do it.


A learner wrote this reply to a letter asking for advice. Underline six more mistakes and write the corrections.


Dear Unhappy


Your letter was entirely interesting to me. You seem to be in a difficult situation. I have some advices for you. I think the first thing you do is to arrange a meeting with your daughter. Then, if I were you, I tell her how I felt about her husband’s behaviour. She may get angry, but hopefully she will listen to you and understand your situation. Then, you could trying asking her to speak to her husband. She should to talk to him and find out why he is always rude to you. If she still does not understand your problems, perhaps you should to try to talk to your son-in-law yourself. The last but not least, why you don’t stop worrying too much. Your daughter is such a good friend to you so you should being happy for that!




Write your answers here.



You do > you should do


  1. ______________ > ______________

  2. ______________ > ______________

  3. ______________ > ______________

  4. ______________ > ______________

  5. ______________ > ______________

  6. ______________ > ______________



Kunci Jawaban:



  1. c)

  2. f)

  3. e)

  4. a)

  5. i)

  6. h)

  7. d)

  8. g)



  1. You should always accept

  2. That sounds like a good idea but

  3. Could write

  4. Good idea

  5. Shall we do it now

  6. Let’s start

  7. Shall we?

  8. Could do




  1. if I were you I tell her exactly … > If I were you I’d tell her exactly …

  2. hopefully she will listen … > hopefully she would listen …

  3. you could trying asking her … > you could try to ask her …

  4. She should to talk to him … > She should / she’d better talk to him …

  5. perhaps you should to try to talk to your son-in-law yourself > perhaps you should try to talk to your son-in-law yourself

  6. You should being happy that your daughter … > You should be happy that your daughter …


Demikianlah latihan soal perihal ungkapan suggestions and advice beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga latihan soal tersebut sanggup membantu memahami ungkapan suggestions and advice tersebut. Terima kasih.

