√ Klarifikasi Ihwal Modal Verb Dan Teladan Kalimatnya
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Pengertian modal verb
Modal verb ialah auxiliary verb, sanggup juga disebut modal auxiliary verb.
Contoh modal verbs
Modals terdiri dari beberapa verbs yaitu:
- must
- shall
- will
- should
- would
- ought to
- can
- could
- may
- might
Modal verb sanggup memperlihatkan makna khusus kepada main verb (verb utama).
Pola / Bentuk Modal Verb
1. Bentuk atau rumus modals pada kalimat positif
Modal verb terletak diantara Subject dan Main Verb.
Contoh kalimat faktual dengan memakai modal verb
- You ought to study harder, artinya = Kamu seharusnya mencar ilmu lebih giat.
- Rosma might come, artinya = Rosma mungkin datang.
2. Bentuk atau rumus modals pada kalimat negatif
Menambahkan kata "not" sesudah modal.
Contoh kalimat negatif memakai modal
- You ought not to come, artinya Anda seharusnya tidak datang.
- You shouldn't stay there, artinya Kamu sebaiknya tidak tinggal di sana.
3. Bentuk atau rumus modals pada kalimat tanya
Polanya ibarat pada kalimat positif, hanya saja posisi modal mendahului subject.
Contoh kalimat tanya memakai modal verb
- Haruskah kita pergi? , bahasa Inggrisnya Ought we to go?
- Mungkinkah ia datang?, bahasa Inggrisnya Might she come?
- Apakah seharusnya kita tidak tinggal di sini? , bahasa Inggrisnya Shouldn't we stay?
Ketentuan modal auxiliary verb (Rules of modal auxiliary verb)
1. Modal verb diikuti oleh main verb, main verb berbentuk infinitive (tanpa "to").
2. Pada kalimat negatif atau kalimat tanya, modal verb tidak memerlukan auxiliary.
Contoh yang salah:
She doesn't can understand me.
Does he can understand me?
Contoh yang benar:
She can't understand me.
Can he understand me?
3. Untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), modal verb ditulis/diucapkan tanpa suplemen karakter "s" dibelakangnya.
Contoh yang salah:
He cans pay for the course.
Contoh yang benar:
He can pay for the course.
4. Pada ketentuan nomor satu disebutkan bahwa modal verb ialah berbentuk infinitive tanpa "to", namun ada pengecualian di sini , yaitu:
a. ought to
b. have to
c. need to
Modal verbs yang sanggup di ganti dengan verb lain
1. Can sanggup diganti dengan be able to
Rosda can play guitar = Rosda is able to play guitar.
2. Must sanggup diganti dengan have to
You must come here = You have to come here.
Makna modal verbs
1. will bermakna future
Contoh kalimat:
- She will travel to Jogja next month.
2. might bermakna small probability
Contoh kalimat:
We might move to new office some day.
3. should bermakna recommendation
Contoh kalimat:
You should go to the hospital.
4. ought to bermakna formal recommendation
Contoh kalimat:
You ought to know about the theory.
5. had better bermakna warning
Contoh kalimat:
You had better study hard or you will fail.
6. may bermakna permission; good probability
Contoh kalimat:
- permission => May I go there?
- good probability => Palupi may visit us this week.
7. must bermakna responsibility; assumption; stronger than should
Contoh kalimat:
- responsibility => All of you must pay the bill.
- assumption => I didn't see Asrini. She must be sick.
8. would bermakna past; present unreal
Contoh kalimat:
- used to => When my father was young, he would go there on foot.
- present unreal => I would buy that house but I can't afford it.
9. shall bermakna offer; contractual obligation
Contoh kalimat:
- Offer => Shall I clean it?
- contractual obligation => I shall pay your salary.
10. could bermakna unreal ability; past ability; knew how to
Contoh kalimat:
You could visit us if you had time
11. can bermakna present ability; permission; be allowed to; know how to
Contoh kalimat :
- present ability => I can speak Arabic.
- permission => Can I call you?
Contoh soal dan tanggapan menciptakan kalimat memakai modal verb.
a. Instruksi: ubah kalimat faktual di bawah menjadi kalimat negatif.
1. Rudy must go to the hospital today.
2. You should phone Palupi as soon as possible.
3. I can stay there for two days.
1. Rudy mustn't go to the hospital today.
2. You should not phone Palupi as soon as possible.
atau You shouldn't phone Palupi as soon as possible.
3. I can't stay there for two days.
b. Instruksi: ubah kalimat faktual di bawah menjadi kalimat pertanyaan.
1. You can talk to Asrini for me.
2. I must say goodbye to Rosma.
3. She can understand me. (change to negative question)
1. Can you talk to Asrini for me?
2. Must I say goodbye to Rosma?
3. Can't she understand me?
Pelajari subject di bawah ini untuk melengkapi pemahaman wacana verb
Contoh penggunaan will dan would
Verb + to infinitive
Verb + Gerund
Rumus dan Contoh kalimat had better
Pola dan pola kalimat would rather
Pola dan Aturan verb+ed dan verb+ing
Contoh phrasal verb beserta pola kalimat
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